That moment when you walk out of confession and feel a million times lighter. #YearofMercy #Catholic
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 31, 2015
from Twitter
That moment when you walk out of confession and feel a million times lighter. #YearofMercy #Catholic
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 31, 2015
Wandering through alleyways of knowledge. #boston #books #travel #igboston
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 31, 2015
It's warm enough in New England on Christmas that we have the windows open watching Christmas specials. #globalwarming #laudatosi
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 26, 2015
Pope Francis homily at Christmas Mass in St Peter's: Let us gaze upon the Child Jesus, the Son of God via @sharethis
— Gerard O'Connell (@gerryorome) December 24, 2015
I maybe referencing an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle in my Christmas homily... #sorrynotsorry
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 24, 2015
Pope Francis awarded Charlemagne Prize for peace work — and, unusually, accepts it. Via @joshjmac
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) December 23, 2015
@mattpalmer1978 congrats! Great news!
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 21, 2015
@mattpalmer1978 no question about either claim that's always been #StarWars at its best, finding a relative unknown like @DaisyRidleyReal.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 18, 2015
@mattpalmer1978 it's definitely ahead of Jedi. Not sure where it fits with the other 2.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 18, 2015
No spoilers. I'll just say that #Starwars was brilliant.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 18, 2015
There's a little kid sitting next to me at #starwars rocking a full Darth Vader costume #theforceisstrongwiththisone
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 18, 2015
"True education enables us to love life." Wisdom during #HolyCrossFinals Happy 79th Birthday @pontifex!
— HC Chaplains' Office (@HC_chaplains) December 17, 2015
Happy birthday #PopeFrancis! Today he's 79 @Pontifex #birthday #Catholic
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) December 17, 2015
O'Kane Tower and Carlin Hall from the steps of @hc.libs @collegeoftheholycross #college #s…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 16, 2015
@TheVoiceFinale yes, Mary knew Jordan. It's in the gospel of Luke. (You were brilliant singing that song though, congrats! )
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 15, 2015
One goal for each day: to convey the tenderness of Christ to those who are most in need.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) December 14, 2015
We have an epoch-changing climate change deal. @Pontifex contribution has been huge. Virtually every nation has signed on. #LaudatoSi.
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) December 12, 2015
#evening #skies in #december on Fenwick Hall @collegeoftheholycross #college #victorian #n…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 10, 2015
One of the most emotional moments of the day. Credit: @oss_romano #JubileeofMercy #PopeFrancis #BenedictXVI
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) December 8, 2015
More of an existential statement than a location here in #Worcester #igersworcester #igwor…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 5, 2015
@chrisjollyhale @BetsyShirley , too many ideologues (on both sides) have taken a joke about a specific field of theology way out of context
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 4, 2015
@chrisjollyhale @BetsyShirley I won't comment on it anymore than that, and regret having tweeted anything about it to begin with.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 4, 2015
That's not what he said, and it's been taken way out of context over the years. @chrisjollyhale @BetsyShirley
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 4, 2015
@pontifex : "you (young people) want to make me happy? Read the bible!" A letter on scripture: @antoniospadaro
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) December 3, 2015
The Jubilee Year of Mercy reminds us that God is waiting for us with open arms, just like the father of the prodigal son.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 29, 2015
Tonight #PopeinCar will jump-start @Jubilee_va, opening Bangui's Holy Door as sign of solidarity for the country:
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) November 29, 2015
I come to the Central African Republic as a pilgrim of peace and as an apostle of hope.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 29, 2015
Hundreds of thousands couldn't get into the Mass, and are waiting in the streets for the popemobile #PopeInUganda
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) November 28, 2015
The world is witnessing an unprecedented migration of peoples. I want to thank Uganda for its generosity in welcoming refugees.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 27, 2015
Kangemi #PopeInKenya
— Elisabetta Piqué (@bettapique) November 27, 2015
Random #Thanksgiving question. Why is Rifle twirling a thing for high school bands in the #MacysParade ? Anyone else think it's weird?
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 26, 2015
Francis to plane pilot yesterday: "I want to go to Central African Republic. If you can't take me, give me a parachute." Source @oss_romano
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) November 26, 2015
Congrats to Bishop-elect lopes, who graciously guided me in my S.T.B. Thesis @UniGregoriana Ad Multis Annos!
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 24, 2015
The #chapel on a sunny morning. #stainedglass #igers #igersworcester #igersnewengland #cat…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 21, 2015
Speaking truth... To a professional photographer
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 21, 2015
Pope Francis says ‘Jesus weeps’ over piecemeal world war via @Crux
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) November 19, 2015
A priest killed and his corpse burned in Mexico... The 11th priest killed in two years.
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) November 18, 2015
Pope on Paris: To use the name of God to justify these acts is a blasphemy!
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) November 15, 2015
#Truth. From a #philosopher, one of the most brilliant students of Husserl, and a #saint.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 13, 2015
Saint Igantius is ready for #foodandfaith as a part of #unityweek @collegeoftheholycross a…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 12, 2015
The authors of last week's new "#Vatileaks" books are under #Vatican investigation
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) November 12, 2015
Fr Michael Paul Gallagher SJ, renowned academic and author, passed away on Friday May he rest in peace.
— Irish Jesuits (@jesuits_ireland) November 8, 2015
Pope: Leaks were a crime, but my reform will continue via @Crux
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) November 8, 2015
Pope on Vatileaks: My collaborators and I knew those documents well. We're taking action, change is happening, in some aspects visible
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) November 8, 2015
René Girard has gone to the House of the Father. May he now enjoy God's loving mercy and His eternal embrace. RIP
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) November 5, 2015
Most of the revelations in the so called "Vatileaks 2" are already outdated and being tackled by Pope's reforms
— Antonio Spadaro SJ (@antoniospadaro) November 4, 2015
Watching #JamesBond #moonraker and realizing that most of the nonlethal things his gadgets do are now accomplished by my #iPhone. #mindblown
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 4, 2015
Praying for all the faithful departed on #AllSoulsDay
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 2, 2015
"(The Church) has never lost this.... eschatological hope. It is not the Dies Irae but the litany of Saints that expresses this hope" -BXVI
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) November 2, 2015
Pope Francis will land on Mexico February 12. The program hasn't been set yet, but the trip will include more than the DF.
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) November 1, 2015
Francis to Italian executives: how many times has a woman gone to her boss and said I am pregnant and at the end of the month she is let go?
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) October 31, 2015
Vanity not only distances us from God: it makes us look ridiculous.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) October 31, 2015
@CNS_Rhina thanks !
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 29, 2015
#Autumn late afternoon, #goldenhour on the clock tower @collegeoftheholycross #igers #ige…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 29, 2015
My soul looks for the Lord more than sentinels for daybreak. More than sentinels for daybr…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 27, 2015
Pace @DouthatNYT no one 'won' or 'lost' at synod. It was never a battle. There were never just two sides. The result forges something new.
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) October 24, 2015
Lombardi: Pope Francis will address the #Synod15 this evening.Last year he got a 5 minute standing ovation.
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) October 24, 2015
#fall by the chapel and alumni hall cupola @collegeoftheholycross #igers #igersnewengland …
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 23, 2015
#synod15 started with an article suggesting that these two men were at odds, a picture is worth a thousand words.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 23, 2015
@trof4st nope, just putting together the offices that most need to have continual conversations to make everything work better.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 22, 2015
A Long expected new dicastery in the #Vatican emerges as reform of the Roman Curia goes on even during #Synod15
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 22, 2015
Walking with Peter, the Rock… who is rock-solid (…and in good shape ;-)
— Antonio Spadaro SJ (@antoniospadaro) October 21, 2015
+Marx: To all whose families have suffered brokenness and pain the Church wishes to say 'you belong to us' #Synod15
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) October 21, 2015
Lombardi: The work of the small groups has concluded this morning. Tomorrow morning we will publish their summaries.
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) October 20, 2015
@andreapkn you're welcome! Keep the faith on this!
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 20, 2015
Much of the discussion on #Synod15 is moot when people actually read what a synod does, (canon 343) and learn to trust the Vicar of Christ.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 20, 2015
The Foliage looking down from Trapp Family lodge this weekend #thehillsarealivewiththesoun…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 19, 2015
@diplohorse #broaming like none have bro-am'ed before!
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 16, 2015
1 of us isn't a Jesuit (nevertheless is forged by Jesuit education). Who is he?
— Antonio Spadaro SJ (@antoniospadaro) October 14, 2015
Card. Salazar: One of the challenges of the #Synod15 is to find a Universal language that can be understood at a local level
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) October 14, 2015
+Nichols: no "stalemate" in synod. Energy, listening, fraternity, differences yes — but real willingness to explore in depth. No negativity.
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) October 14, 2015
Card. Nichols: No somos solo compañeros de trabajo. Estamos creciendo en amistad. #Synod15
— Holy See PressOffice (@HolySeePress) October 14, 2015
Nichols: Instrumentum Laboris needs some restructuring & more theological themes.This morning we have had some creative suggestions #Synod15
— Holy See PressOffice (@HolySeePress) October 14, 2015
Getting ready for the canonizations of the Martin family! From a friend who works inside the Vatican. #Synod15
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 14, 2015
By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here onc…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 13, 2015
The Rotunda at Saint Edmund Campion Center. #placestopray #retreathouse #igersmassachusett…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 13, 2015
From @MikeOLoughlin, @JohnLAllenJr and myself: Cardinals clash on doubts about process at the Synod of Bishops @Crux
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) October 12, 2015
The work of Circoli Minores of #Synod15 continues. This time focusing on Part II of the Instrumentum Laboris.
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) October 12, 2015
The work of Circoli Minores of #Synod15 continues. This time focusing on Part II of the Instrumentum Laboris.
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) October 12, 2015
A little about my social media ministry with a shout out to @hollathecollar: Holy Cross Chaplain uses social media.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 11, 2015
Al #Sinodo15: la Chiesa non sia treno veloce di dottrina che sfreccia senza aver consapevolezza del paesaggio!
— Antonio Spadaro SJ (@antoniospadaro) October 10, 2015
Cardinal Thomttunkal to journalists: you're tired, so am I. You'r hungry, so am I!
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) October 10, 2015
Coffee break w @pontifex & #Synod15 participants @ Paul VI Aud. The 13 small group "relationes" are presented today.
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) October 9, 2015
+Palmer: As @Pontifex told us, we are not here to change doctrine, we are here to address the pastoral situations.
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) October 8, 2015
#autumn #Sunset on St. Robert Bellarmine @collegeoftheholycross #holycross #jesuits #amdg
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 7, 2015
The 1st session of the Circoli Minori (Small Groups) focused on Part 1 of the Instrumentum Laboris begins. #Synod15
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) October 6, 2015
E' davvero un Sinodo familiare. #Synod15
— Fabio Colagrande (@Psicovirginio) October 5, 2015
Drafting @Pontifex into culture wars won't work. He keeps crossing battle lines to go hug the “enemy.” #Encounter
— Sam Sawyer, SJ (@SSawyerSJ) October 2, 2015
MORE: Vatican says Pope's visit with Davis not a form of support:
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 2, 2015
.@holy_cross welcomes new faith leaders to campus, including #Jesuit @mrogerssj:
— Jesuit News (@jesuitnews) October 1, 2015
@Agerusalemme thanks!
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) October 1, 2015
Keeping his ritual, #PopeFrancis prays in Rome's basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore after landing @dani_ibanez18
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) September 28, 2015
With my heartfelt thanks. May the love of Christ always guide the American people! #GodBlessAmerica
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) September 28, 2015
Casually hanging out with the family on the field before Fran kills the anthem. #patriots …
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 27, 2015
I can see my house from here! #hiking #travel #igersnewengland #igersmassachusetts #mounta…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 26, 2015
Well that goes up! #hiking #nature #mountain #igersnewengland #igersmassachusetts #travel…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 26, 2015
Solemn Vespers begin with @Pontifex at @StPatsNYC #PopeinNYC
— Joe Petriello (@joepetriello) September 25, 2015
It's incredible to see all of #nyc shut down for #PopeInNY, never seen anything like it.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 25, 2015
From a friend inside St. Patrick's awaiting @Pontifex. #popeinnyc #popeinus
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 24, 2015
@americamag Fifth avenue awaits Pope Francis
— Jim Keane (@jamestkeane) September 24, 2015
2/2 In prayer, we find strength not to be cold and insensitive in face of injustice.
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) September 24, 2015
1/2 In prayer, Francis tells homeless, there are no social divisions, only brotherhood.
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) September 24, 2015
Don't miss what @Pontifex is saying at St. Patrick in DC to the Homeless right now, he's expanding on themes from #pope2congress #PopeInDC
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 24, 2015
To borrow a line from #lincoln @Pontifex appealed to the better angels of our nature. #PopeinUS #PopeInDC text here:
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 24, 2015
An instant classic in catholic social teaching. And @Pontifex drops the Mic. #PopeInDC #PopeInUs
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 24, 2015
#PopeInDC I'd like to mention 4 [great] Americans: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day & tThomas Merton
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) September 24, 2015
@Pontifex, as usual, defying our crass American political divisions, with @POTUS in the morning, the sisters later.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 24, 2015
@Pontifex to Bishops: "Our greatest joy is to be pastors." I've found that to be truth in my new work beyond my life in Rome. #PopeInDC
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 23, 2015
"Our common home has been part of this group of the excluded which cries out to heaven" #PopeInDC @POTUS #PopeFrancis
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) September 23, 2015
I want all men and women of goodwill to support efforts of int'l community to protect vulnerable #PopeInDC
— vaticanconnections (@vaticonnections) September 23, 2015
So how many DC red light/speed cameras will snap images of a black Fiat with license plate SCV 1 today? :) #PopeInDC
— Jim Iovino (@jimiovino) September 23, 2015
The crowd outside @WhiteHouse is ready to welcome Francis in every language, chanting in English, Spanish and French #PopeInDC
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) September 23, 2015
My motto when you have to go to new employee orientation and not watch @Pontifex at the White House.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 23, 2015
A friend lined up at 430 for the whitehouse welcome ceremony with @Pontifex and is still all the way in the back. Big crowd there #PopeinUS
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 23, 2015
Something does feel good about once again being in the same country as the vicar of Christ. #PopeinUS
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 22, 2015
There are worse ways to spend your day off than hiking. #nature #hiking #igersnewengland #…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 21, 2015
I ask you to join me in praying for my trip to Cuba and the United States. I need your prayers.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) September 18, 2015
Congrats to @specolations on your nomination by @Pontifex as director of the @SpecolaVaticana! (As new head of the Vatican observatory!)
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 18, 2015
"Jesus loves you a lot.... I come [to Cuba] as a missionary of mercy." says @pontifex to the Cuban people in video.
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) September 18, 2015
A Pope’s #Jesuit Life: A Timeline - (Photo by @mrogerssj)
— Jesuit News (@jesuitnews) September 17, 2015
Francis' G9 gave him a definitive proposal for a council for "Laity, Family & Life". They're now planning one on "Charity, Justice & Peace"
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) September 16, 2015
#Jesuit schools thrive in USA ahead of Pope Francis' trip: via @USATODAY
— Jesuit News (@jesuitnews) September 16, 2015
Roma. Dieci i gesuiti al prossimo Sinodo dei vescovi
— Gesuitinews (@Gesuitinews) September 15, 2015
A number of my old professors, including, of course, @antoniospadaro are on the synod, prayers for you all!
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 15, 2015
Pope Packs His Schedule on First U.S. Visit
— Francis X. Rocca (@FrancisXRocca) September 15, 2015
Today's statistic release before @Pontifex arrives in Cuba & the U.S. Paints an interesting picture of the Churches
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 15, 2015
Oh #Popemoji you're more fun than a #catholic nerd should be allowed to have.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 11, 2015
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May the…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 11, 2015
I couldn't help myself. Today's #tbt from the chaplain's office was a photo from my escape…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 11, 2015
In essence, the need for all #nullity sentences to be reviewed automatically has been scrapped, as canon lawyers have long urged. #Reform
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) September 8, 2015
#PopeFrancis reaffirms #marriage indissolubility in new annulment norms, wants all cases to be free of charge #Catholic
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) September 8, 2015
Monsignor Pinto, head of the commission that proposed the changes says the new annulment process is based in the diocesan bishops & the poor
— Ines San Martin (@inesanma) September 8, 2015
Breaking: In streamlined annulment process, #PopeFrancis drops automatic appeal for all annulment decisions
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) September 8, 2015
The point of the new #popefrancis annulment reforms seem to be speeding up the process:
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 8, 2015
Just for the record, some of the Jesuits I live with now have lived all over Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and are amazing people, #originalgs
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 6, 2015
This place. It's not the most majestic place I've ever been, but it's quiet and peaceful. …
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) September 6, 2015
St Ignatius is ready for the Mass of the Holy Spirit at 4pm today to welcome #HC2019 on #moveinday to @holy_cross !
— HC Chaplains' Office (@HC_chaplains) August 29, 2015
.@USCCB: The pope will address Congress as the head of the state of the Holy See. Slight, but important distinction. #RNA2015
— Christopher J. Hale (@chrisjollyhale) August 28, 2015
"You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness." -St. Augustine
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 28, 2015
Morning prayer, feast of St. Augustine
— Matthew Spotts S.J. (@MSpottsSJ) August 28, 2015
The @JimGaffigan show is hilarious. If you haven't seen it yet you absolutely should. #catholic
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 27, 2015
Move in is only a week away! See you soon here at #campionhouse @holy_cross!
— HC Chaplains' Office (@HC_chaplains) August 21, 2015
The motto of Saint Pius X: "To renew all things in Christ." It reminds us that only in Jesus can our Church, world and lives be transformed.
— Bishop Burbidge (@BishopBurbidge) August 21, 2015
The one problem in your plan @realDonaldTrump is that @Pontifex really isn't afraid of anything, faith can do that.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 21, 2015
Beyond the enclosure, embraced by the silence. #igworcester #ignewengland #igersmassachuse…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 16, 2015
@gregorykhillis we're all Arians at 10. ;)
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 16, 2015
Out at the Abbey. #silence #placestopray #prayer #stjoseph #abbey #monks #beer #massachuse…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 15, 2015
@AdamUrra for righteousness and truth.. Indeed
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 13, 2015
When your computer keeps automatically correcting "St. Hippolytus" to "St. Hippopotamus" in a homily for his feast day #theologyproblems
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 13, 2015
Bring the excluded into the center of our planning and our choices.
— Cardinal Tagle (@CardTagleQuotes) August 13, 2015
Red Sox holding open tryouts tom'rrow on Boston Common for any able-bodied person who thinks they can pitch relief. Free refreshments
— Gordon Edes (@GordonEdes) August 12, 2015
Surrounded by the #cloud of #witnesses, the #Jesuit #cemetery @collegeoftheholycross #worc…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 12, 2015
A #Nagasaki museum shows rosaries melted by heat of #atomicbomb explosion 70yrs ago
— Elise Harris (@eharris_it) August 10, 2015
And tonight, I took a a deep breath, I smelled the sea, I gave thanks, and I was home. #grateful
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 9, 2015
#sunset over #bunkerhill #bridge #boston #massachusetts #summer #travel
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 8, 2015
Pope Francis to the youth Eucharistic movement: "You asked me for signs of hope within the Church. You are that hope! You're a sign of joy."
— IneSM (@inesanma) August 7, 2015
When I discovered that you could order #santeustachio coffee for a Mocha Pot here in the US, everything got better.
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 5, 2015
Gorgeous day up here on Mt. St. James, looking out over #stjoseph's #chapel #holycross @co…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 4, 2015
First day on the job @collegeoftheholycross working in the @hc_chaplains office and it is …
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 3, 2015
Late nights on the #boulevard #worcester #massachusetts #diner #neon #ignewengland #igersn…
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) August 1, 2015
Happy Feast to this son of St. Ignatius Fr. Federico Lombardi SJ. One of the most joy-filled priests I have ever met.
— Fr. Manuel Dorantes (@TweetingPriest) July 31, 2015
“Love ought to show itself more in deeds than in words.” Happy feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) July 31, 2015
Ignazio di Loyola chi sei? In tanti ti dobbiamo dire grazie! @PaoloCuccia @Leonardobecchet @VaniaDeLuca @agensir
— Francesco Occhetta (@OcchettaF) July 30, 2015
@gregorykhillis the joys of book reports
— Michael Rogers, SJ (@mrogerssj) July 30, 2015